Why tree planting is crucial?

By Landry Ninteretse

“Landry Ninteretse after distribution of seedlings for students in Kampala, Uganda”
While lecturing in secondary schools on climate change, we strongly encourage students not only to protect existing forests and woodlots but also to plant more trees in their school premises, homes and communities.
Once could argue:’’ Is tree planting so important?’’ Absolutely. Unfortunately, the whole value of trees and forest is till now not well understood by people, especially those relying on natural resources for their daily survival. Many people use trees to get firewood and charcoal for cooking, to obtain poles to fence their properties. Trees are also used as building materials and provide employment opportunities in carpentry and furniture. Continue reading

Struggling for peace in a troubled context

by Landry Ninteretse
Kamenge Youth Centre continues to play a key role in reconciliation and home rebuilding in the five northern communes of Bujumbura by organizing habitual work camps which gather thousands of participants.
This year however, things were not easy for a number of reasons. Firstly, the prolonged strike in public secondary schools has disorganized academic schedules and meant that many students were not available to fully take part in the work camp activities. Secondly, the political and security tensions surrounding the contested communal election results led to grenade attacks in Bujumbura and other provinces, provoking terror and fear amongst the population. Thirdly, a lack of funding caused delay to the start of the camp. Continue reading

A period of uncertainty

By Landry Ninteretse
Burundians are living in fear since the announced victory of CNDD-FDD in local polls in late May; the result has been contested by the opposition, who say that the vote had been rigged. Several grenade attacks have targeted bars, residences and public areas in the recent days. It is reported that 6 people have died and more that fifty others have been injured. Continue reading

Quand la terreur refait surface

Par Bucumi Jean Claude

Depuis les elections communales du 24 mai dernier et la contestation de ses resultats par l’opposition, les Burundais vivent dans la peur d’une recrudescence de la violence.
Aucune nuit ne se passe sans qu’une grenade explose. Les bistrots, menages et autres lieux publics sont la cible de ces attaques qui ont déjà fait plus de six morts et une cinquantaine de blesses.

La question que tout le monde se pose est celle de savoir qui est derriere ces actes de terreur.

Pour le moment, la police peine a mettre la main sur les responsables de ces actes. Le pouvoir met en garde contre quiconque voudrait perturber le deroulement des elections indiquant que tous les moyens seront utilises pour assurer un scrutin transparent dans la serenite.

Mais pour l’opposition qui a decide de boycotter le scrutin, ces attaques a la grenade sont un montage du pouvoir pour arrêter les leaders des partis regroupés au sein de l’Alliance des Démocrates pour le Changement(ADC-Ikibiri)

Quoi qu’il en soit, il est evident que la classe politique dans son ensemble ne demontre pas un leadership fort et la retenue indispensable en cette periode cruciale. Le dialogue semble rompu et on se dirige vers un reste de scrutin avec un seul parti en course, ce qui decredibilise le processus democratique qui avait été amorce en 2005 et ouvre une periode d’incertitute pour le pays.


The report is in PDF format.

The International Day by AYC

Never stop acting for peace

By Jean Baptiste Niyongabo

To obtain everlasting peace is not a work of one day or one week. Building peace is not like when someone decides to build a house with a wish of having the house completed in a six month period. What troubles peace is a variety of frustrations that require a careful study of causes, consequences and solutions to bring. Continue reading

Vidéo de l’Amahoro Youth

Une petite vidéo présentant les activités courantes du club.

Controversial local polls


Provisional results of local polls held on May 24 put CNDD-FDD the ruling party of Pierre Nkurunziza far ahead in the lead with 64% and the former rival rebel group of FNL with 14,5%. Uprona comes in third position with 6,5%, Frodebu 5,6%, MSD 3,75%, UPD 2,21%, Frodebu Nyakuri 1,63% and CNDD 1,26%. Continue reading

Délicate période électorale

By BUCUMI Jean Claude
Dans un contexte marqué par la peur, les rumeurs et les difficultés financières et logistiques de la CENI, le Burundi a entamé ce 24 mai un marathon électoral de quatre mois qui consiste dans des élections communales, présidentielles, parlementaires, sénatoriales et enfin collinaires le 7 septembre. Continue reading

Stand firmly for peace

By Landry Ninteretse

Dear peacebuilders,

In these controversial and particular times for our country, I would like to call upon you and all AYC supporters to stand firmly for peace, stability and future of Burundi.

Let’s go beyond emotions, judgments and rumors and be models of tolerance and leadership for the rest of youth in speech and behavior. The mobilization for non violent elections project recently carried out was exactly about this kind of situation. Remember the Code of Good Conduct we promoted, we must the first to stand firmly for its full respect by first AYC members and all students and youth that took part in the PD project. Continue reading